Saturday, 28 June 2014


Of all the corpuses of Ifa , Eji Ogbe is seen as the head or father of them all. It is this corpus of Ifa that talks about the origin of creation and its first inhabitants. It also talks about the four elements that make up life and they are the earth, the water, the air and the fire .Ejiogbe says the mother earth gave birth to water while the water in turn gave birth to the air. The air finally gave birth to the fire. And these four elements begged the creator for  relevance in life and the creator asked them to sacrifice two squirrels , two fishes and two hens for this purpose .They did and thereafter sand was given to the world . But one day the sand begged the creator for relevance and usefulness, and the creator asked her to sacrifice two squirrels, two fishes and two hens for her wish to be
accomplished. She did this and thereafter the first man known as Akoda (Adam) was molded and blew life into by the creator. From then on, Adam was left alone with other creatures of the creator like the trees, the birds, the rivers, the animals, the sun, the moon, the stars etc . But the first man too got tired of loneliness in the world and begged the creator for a partner that would be assisting him in the world. And the creator asked him too to sacrifice two squirrels, two fishes and two hens for this purpose which he did. After the first woman known as Aseda (Eve) was created from the right ribs of the first man Akoda (Adam). Ejiogbe further says that the first man (Adam) and the first woman (Eve) were then left all alone to themselves in the world by their creator, an idea which they did not like as time went on. So, one day, they begged their creator for childbearing and the creator asked them to sacrifice two squirrels , two fishes and two hens so that their wish could be accomplished . They did this and thereafter mated to give birth to all sorts of colored people in the world today. Be it white, red , black or indigo colored people , we are all children of Adam and Eve . From then on they have been paying home age to the first man (Adam) and the first woman (Eve). Conclusively Ejiogbe is the beginning of creation and everything in it.

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